FSC English BlogAug 19, 2009

The Financial Services Commission is officially launching its English blog http://fsckorea.wordpress.com today.

Its purpose is to raise public awareness of the changes and progresses in multiple areas of Korea’s financial policies and to promote interactive policy communication with the public as well as with foreign investors and others who are interested in Korea’s financial policies.

It aims to explain hard-to-understand financial policies in a simple and easy-to-understand format which the public without much financial knowledge can still manage to comprehend what the policies are about as well as the background reasons for them.

The contents of the blog will be on key financial and economic issues, recent press releases from the FSC and other relevant government bodies, and press coverage on Korea’s economy and its financial markets. Currently updated contents are issues relating to the Financial Holdings Company Act, FX margin trading, the Fast Track Program, etc.

Links to the blog can be found on the websites of multiple government agencies:

Financial Supervisory Services Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation
Korea Asset Management Corporation Koscom
Kibo Technology Fund Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Korea Development Bank Industrial Bank of Korea

http://english.fss.or.kr https://www.kdic.or.kr/english http://kamco.or.kr/eng.html http://english.koscom.co.kr http://eng.kibo.or.kr http://eng.kodit.co.kr http://www.kdb.co.kr http://english.ibk.co.kr

* Please refer to the attached PDF for details.