Updated English Translation of Supervisory Regulations to Go Online September 20, 2007Sep 19, 2007
The Financial Supervisory Service announced that newly updated English translation of supervisory regulations will be available online beginning September 20, 2007. The translation, which covers the entire 43 supervisory regulations currently in effect, can be accessed free of charge at the FSS English Internet homepage (http://english.fss.or.kr) under “Laws and Regulations.”

As follow-up steps, the Financial Supervisory Service also expects to regularly update the English translation and provide additional translations such as FAQ on the supervisory regulations and staff interpretations and opinions on regulatory and supervisory matters.

The English translations are part of the ongoing effort by the Financial Supervisory Service to help improve foreign investors’ and businesses’ access to and understanding of Korea’s financial regulations. The translation service is also aimed at facilitating a more effective and transparent regulatory environment as Korea strives to make the transition to Northeast Asia’s financial hub.

* Please refer to the attached PDF for details.