FSC Chairman Discusses Extending Loan Payment Deferment with Heads of Financial Holding GroupsFeb 16, 2021

FSC Chairman Eun Sung-soo held talks with the heads of the five financial holding groups on February 16 and discussed an extension of the availability of loan deferment of principal and interest payments currently set to expire at the end of March this year.


In this regard, the participants agreed on the need to extend the availability of payment deferment for small merchants and SMEs for six more months considering the current COVID-19 situation, etc.


Chairman Eun emphasized the importance of maintaining steady support for the real economy and stated that the financial authorities will work on an orderly rollback of the temporary support and deregulatory measures when conditions are permissible.


During the meeting, Chairman Eun also talked about the leading role of finance in a post-pandemic era and shared key financial policy agendas for this year.


* Please refer to the attached PDF for details.